不奇怪的書展 The not so strange Hong Kong Book Fair
書展本來就是一個攝時間的FAIR,因為暑假是商業FAIR的淡季,貿發局會展要揾錢,攪個書展等嗰啲暑假無所事事又無錢去旅行的人有個地方去吓都錯唔得哂。但當時間久了,而主要出版 商又開始DOMINATE書展,看不過眼的人自然要投訴一下。
其實散貨都不錯,至少可以買平書。作為一個喜歡閱讀的消費者,我都會選擇於書展買書,明知書店沒有折扣,為何不在書展買?反正我又不是等不了。書店買書很多時是IMPULSIVE PURCHASE,但書展買書是有計劃及有BUDGET的。
To complain is in the DNA of Hong Kong people, and one of the things they love to complain about is the annual Hong Kong Book Fair.
It ended over a week ago. It was packed as usual, attracting nearly 1 million visitors. I was one of them. I did everything that many visitors did: shopped for discounted books, attended a couple of seminars, and had a great time.
But people still complain, that the Book Fair is not about promoting the reading culture but just an annual opportunity to clear old stock; that the major publishers bullied the smaller ones; that the event had nothing to do with culture, etc.
If you were bothered to take a good look at the programme of the Book Fair, you will be surprised to find that hundreds of "cultural events" were in fact staged during the fair period. But most of the time, none of these could get into the column inches in newspapers and magazines, which mostly only talked about the number of visitors, number of exhibitors and which pseudo-model releasing photo albums this year has had a boob job.
And among these events, Sir David Tang's talk featuring four of his highly respected friends from the literary world - historian David Starkey, food critics AA Gill and Tom Parker Bowles, as well as Conde Nast International's VP and novelist Nicholas Coleridge - was certainly one of the highlights. These authors never made any public appearances in Hong Kong, and Sir David deserves some credits for convincing them to join the Book Fair to meet the audience. Although the discussion was a little over the place, which sounded like a conversation at a pub after downing a few pints, and most of the audience was in fact expats, such kind of events should be encouraged. If the discussion can be made more relevant to Hong Kong, and if there will be more Hong Kong Chinese joining, it will be a fabulous event, and I look forward to next year's talk.
The Book Fair is organised by the Trade Development Council - Trade Development, NOT Culture Council. So those who criticised the Book Fair for its lack of culture are firing their bullets at the wrong target. Trade Development Council is to promote trade development, and stock clearance is good for publishers to improve their cash flow and clear up space for new stock, so the Book Fair is for sure promoting the trading of books. Promoting culture is not in Trade Development Council's job description. It should be the responsibility of Culture Council or Culture Bureau. But wait, we don't have Culture Bureau in Hong Kong, and the Home Affairs Bureau, which is supposed to handle cultural development in the city, has been too busy with over spending taxpayers' money on sports events and promoting brain washing patriotic education etc.
And there's nothing wrong with shopping for discounted books. As a book lover as well as a consumer, I'd rather wait till the Book Fair to buy discounted books. Why would I want to buy a book at regular price if I can wait?
Now the only problem left is how to finish these books before next year's Book Fair.